Aesthete In Harlem

That in this nigger place,
I should meet Life face to face
When for years, I had been seeking
Life in places gentler speaking
Until I came to this near street
And found Life--stepping on my feet!
-Langston Hughes

Monday, May 10, 2010

Swing a Pendulum

My mind goes like a pendulum
Back and forth then forth then back
When my head hits the top that's when it corrupts
Watch it take over Osama Bin Laden
They won't ever catch him
Maybe I will with this toy in my head
It's the most dangerous of all

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just A Dream

What is Earth?
What is this world we live in?
A world full of deception and hate
Why don't we throw it in a bin
And say we're done with it
But that is a dream
A dream that we the people seek
day and night.
Let's not feed our Earth with destruction
Because then we won't recover
From what is yet to come.

Racism, Discrimination
What else is out there?
Whatever it is
Don't bring it here
My home
A land I find so dear
A land risen from the Indians
Stand up and put in gear
What we have come to fear
From our founding fathers
to the man today
Oh yes!
There is so much that have changed.

Don't let that change turn into something violent
If it does just put it in a cage
And let it turn into something gray
For it won't come back
Not here.
Not today.