Aesthete In Harlem

That in this nigger place,
I should meet Life face to face
When for years, I had been seeking
Life in places gentler speaking
Until I came to this near street
And found Life--stepping on my feet!
-Langston Hughes

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Me v You

Moonlight snow
Moonlight show
Tears of joy
Brings tears of coy
Relaxation is far from me
Far from me is far from you
Beneath me is beneath you
Clouds of gray they
Leap before thee
As lions circle without fright
If you catch me now then
you won't know
All the things I tried to secure
To protect you I care the most
Because without you there is no hope
You keep me sane from this insanity
So come on then
You try to trick me?
No way I'm going to let precipitation
cause on thee
Just you wait and see
It's Me v You.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Daring to find a life much easier than this
Ride 'til you die and don't throw a fit
Ease yourself on it and you'll make it big
Arriving at the scene its not just make believe
Make yourself shine you'll make it anywhere

Friday, June 11, 2010

Something Different

I know this is different but I want to share something with you guys. In my English class we had to pick one question from about five different ones. The question I chose was "What are your dreams and aspirations? why?"

This was my answer:

Recently in the past two years there have been changes in my life that affected me as a person. Later did I know that writing made me feel better; it even does today. I write poetry about my life. One of my aspirations is to publish a poetry book for young adults and adults. I would love to hear someone read my poems and say "I Love it!, it's just how I feel!". I want to give hope to people and let them know that they're not alone; that there is a tomorrow. That is why I want to publish the book I am working on because I want to see people read a book, relate to it and give them hope.

Another dream of mine is to make a difference for the environment. I work at Sonic and seeing how restaurants don't really recycle makes me want to push that forward. I would love for all restaurants to recycle anything that is recyclable. With that step we can help our planet Earth. Instead of wasting plastic bottles we can reuse it to make something else; that equals less money to be spent.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Something about Me

Two floor house
A family of five
Living in one roof
Wondering if they will survive

Every day is the same day
Every night is the same night
Getting home from work
You just hear fussing and screaming
Why won't it go away?
Is this every teenager's dream?
To live in a house where rules don't matter?
It matters to me alright!
Most people don't like rules
But I do.

Something about me
I like things put in place
When they don't go right of course.
You can say I'm crazy
Or say this ain't poetry

Something about me
I'm not like anyone else
Don't compare me to anyone else
Not you,
Not the World, and
Not even the other four.

Two floor house
A Family of five
Living in one roof
Wondering if they will survive.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Swing a Pendulum

My mind goes like a pendulum
Back and forth then forth then back
When my head hits the top that's when it corrupts
Watch it take over Osama Bin Laden
They won't ever catch him
Maybe I will with this toy in my head
It's the most dangerous of all

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just A Dream

What is Earth?
What is this world we live in?
A world full of deception and hate
Why don't we throw it in a bin
And say we're done with it
But that is a dream
A dream that we the people seek
day and night.
Let's not feed our Earth with destruction
Because then we won't recover
From what is yet to come.

Racism, Discrimination
What else is out there?
Whatever it is
Don't bring it here
My home
A land I find so dear
A land risen from the Indians
Stand up and put in gear
What we have come to fear
From our founding fathers
to the man today
Oh yes!
There is so much that have changed.

Don't let that change turn into something violent
If it does just put it in a cage
And let it turn into something gray
For it won't come back
Not here.
Not today.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I take a look at myself
Flashback a raging fire that occured
I take a hand to my face
With the blood I can't seem to erase
Only then I knew that someone threw a brick at my face
I take a look at myself
Now I know it was all a dream

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mother Green

My Mother is my Nature
Wherever Green resides.
To hear the drum is the call of the wild.
To watch open-mindedly and peacefully
Is what I call safety
To be in this planet we call Earth
Oh there is so much that can grow
From the bottom of the food-chain
Yes it gives a flow
Of the vibe I feel for her
Caring for her is what should occur
Do your part
Do your best
Recycle please
And she'll take care of the rest
Treat her well
For she is one
She is the circle
That we call life
Love her foremost
Because without her we won't survive.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nature vs. Nurture

They say that a stem of a Rose
isn't longer than a tree
What if you believed everything
was meant to be.
And everything we achieved
was no longer meant to be.
Give me a Rose
Give me a Tree
This is You
And this is me
Seceding from me
Is a never ending tragedy
Give me a reason
For it's a new season
Things die, Things grow
Some change, Some don't
It's a Circle of Life that we call home
And I am proud to be part of that whole.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


What is LOVE?

Is it the way you smile

The way you touch

The way you look into my eyes?

Is it the happiness I feel When I'm with you?

Is it my heart that calls out to you

The longing for you

The want for you?

What can I do

All I do is think about you

With every step I take

With every breath I take

Your in my head

Don't go away.

I've never felt this feeling before

It's taking every inch of me in

You take me to a different place

Everytime I'm with you

This is not just a daze

what I feel for you is not a craze

I'm crazy yes for your LOVE


Oh baby you phase me in so many ways

Please don't leave my side

Because without you I won't survive.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

With Explosion Comes Change

You are what makes me Me
Because of you my whole life changed.

Thinking about what has happened
You never could imagine
About a girl raised in Queens, New York
Where her father would beat her mother
How did it come to this?
When they were alone did he
Punch her?
Slap her?

I can't think about it
I don't want to think about it

Oh mother!

Somebody please do something
A fire has just exploded
I can feel it coming closer
Someone please put it out!
I can't breathe any longer
Please tell me what to do now
I'm so lost,

Is there anyone there?
Is there anyone there?

As I open my eyes slowly
I see time passby before me
Sisters and bro are growing with me
Mother too is standing strong

Its like breaking silence in the air
With this new life I am prepared.

A Different Color Purple

What is this color planted on me?
What is this before me?
Why did you have to hurt me,
Push me to the ground?

Never have I ever done anything to

I'm just letting you know what's
You lie
You decieve
You let everyone believe
You say to be real with you
This is real right now
What you hear
Don't you see
But you don't care.

Never have I ever done anything
to you.

Instead you turn everything on me
Why won't you let me be?
You say you don't hate
When you know its the truth
Yet you hide in a corner
What good does that do?
What you also need to know
is that your selfish too.

I'm not taking it anymore
especially not from you.

Friday, March 19, 2010


There was a girl named Charlie
Please tell me have you seen her?
Her hair is dark and her body's cold
She's shivering somewhere
Maybe behind a dumpster
She's givin' up life
Someone please help her.

There came a guy
Who heard her cries
Her Eyes shined like the stars in the sky
Oh please don't leave her side
For her sake don't let it die.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Meaning of a Rose

Life is nothing but a rose
With a stem as big as Mt. Rushmore
You may find thorns
That can prick with just one touch
You may think its beautiful,
Like nothing you've ever seen before
But never should you trust
The petals that stare deep into your eyes
The petals that one by one fall
As each day goes by
The last petal falls
Now kiss it goodbye.

Mice Crawling on the Ground

Mice Crawling on the Ground
Your lost, Your confused
There's no where to go
Up the street through Herald Square
The alleyway is crowded
This makes my life so unfair
Don't look too hard
Just be prepared.

That Light is You

Wake up
Open your Eyes
There's a light
Its shining bright
There is hope
Don't give up
Give a hand
Don't hesitate
'Cuz if you do
You might regret
Its safe right now
He's here with you
No holding back
No letting go.

In his arms
Your there right now
Protection is
What you need
In his eyes
You see that light
You are happy
he won't leave
Now count to 3
He is there
Now let it be.

Welcome to my World

There was a girl
With a beauty
She had a family
A mother that was strong
An abusive father
A brother and 2 sisters
That was her life.