Aesthete In Harlem

That in this nigger place,
I should meet Life face to face
When for years, I had been seeking
Life in places gentler speaking
Until I came to this near street
And found Life--stepping on my feet!
-Langston Hughes

Friday, June 11, 2010

Something Different

I know this is different but I want to share something with you guys. In my English class we had to pick one question from about five different ones. The question I chose was "What are your dreams and aspirations? why?"

This was my answer:

Recently in the past two years there have been changes in my life that affected me as a person. Later did I know that writing made me feel better; it even does today. I write poetry about my life. One of my aspirations is to publish a poetry book for young adults and adults. I would love to hear someone read my poems and say "I Love it!, it's just how I feel!". I want to give hope to people and let them know that they're not alone; that there is a tomorrow. That is why I want to publish the book I am working on because I want to see people read a book, relate to it and give them hope.

Another dream of mine is to make a difference for the environment. I work at Sonic and seeing how restaurants don't really recycle makes me want to push that forward. I would love for all restaurants to recycle anything that is recyclable. With that step we can help our planet Earth. Instead of wasting plastic bottles we can reuse it to make something else; that equals less money to be spent.

1 comment:

  1. Hi and thank you for visiting my blog. I left you a comment on it, if you care to return.
    Your aspirations are commendable, Nieves. Keep writing and one day you'll have that book you long to publish. there's a wonderful poetry community I belong to online called "Poetry Dances". You might want to check it out . . . and maybe join. It's full of great poetry and friendship. In the meantime, I'm off to my recycle bin! Tallyho!


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