Aesthete In Harlem

That in this nigger place,
I should meet Life face to face
When for years, I had been seeking
Life in places gentler speaking
Until I came to this near street
And found Life--stepping on my feet!
-Langston Hughes

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Me v You

Moonlight snow
Moonlight show
Tears of joy
Brings tears of coy
Relaxation is far from me
Far from me is far from you
Beneath me is beneath you
Clouds of gray they
Leap before thee
As lions circle without fright
If you catch me now then
you won't know
All the things I tried to secure
To protect you I care the most
Because without you there is no hope
You keep me sane from this insanity
So come on then
You try to trick me?
No way I'm going to let precipitation
cause on thee
Just you wait and see
It's Me v You.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Daring to find a life much easier than this
Ride 'til you die and don't throw a fit
Ease yourself on it and you'll make it big
Arriving at the scene its not just make believe
Make yourself shine you'll make it anywhere

Friday, June 11, 2010

Something Different

I know this is different but I want to share something with you guys. In my English class we had to pick one question from about five different ones. The question I chose was "What are your dreams and aspirations? why?"

This was my answer:

Recently in the past two years there have been changes in my life that affected me as a person. Later did I know that writing made me feel better; it even does today. I write poetry about my life. One of my aspirations is to publish a poetry book for young adults and adults. I would love to hear someone read my poems and say "I Love it!, it's just how I feel!". I want to give hope to people and let them know that they're not alone; that there is a tomorrow. That is why I want to publish the book I am working on because I want to see people read a book, relate to it and give them hope.

Another dream of mine is to make a difference for the environment. I work at Sonic and seeing how restaurants don't really recycle makes me want to push that forward. I would love for all restaurants to recycle anything that is recyclable. With that step we can help our planet Earth. Instead of wasting plastic bottles we can reuse it to make something else; that equals less money to be spent.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Something about Me

Two floor house
A family of five
Living in one roof
Wondering if they will survive

Every day is the same day
Every night is the same night
Getting home from work
You just hear fussing and screaming
Why won't it go away?
Is this every teenager's dream?
To live in a house where rules don't matter?
It matters to me alright!
Most people don't like rules
But I do.

Something about me
I like things put in place
When they don't go right of course.
You can say I'm crazy
Or say this ain't poetry

Something about me
I'm not like anyone else
Don't compare me to anyone else
Not you,
Not the World, and
Not even the other four.

Two floor house
A Family of five
Living in one roof
Wondering if they will survive.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Swing a Pendulum

My mind goes like a pendulum
Back and forth then forth then back
When my head hits the top that's when it corrupts
Watch it take over Osama Bin Laden
They won't ever catch him
Maybe I will with this toy in my head
It's the most dangerous of all

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just A Dream

What is Earth?
What is this world we live in?
A world full of deception and hate
Why don't we throw it in a bin
And say we're done with it
But that is a dream
A dream that we the people seek
day and night.
Let's not feed our Earth with destruction
Because then we won't recover
From what is yet to come.

Racism, Discrimination
What else is out there?
Whatever it is
Don't bring it here
My home
A land I find so dear
A land risen from the Indians
Stand up and put in gear
What we have come to fear
From our founding fathers
to the man today
Oh yes!
There is so much that have changed.

Don't let that change turn into something violent
If it does just put it in a cage
And let it turn into something gray
For it won't come back
Not here.
Not today.